“This looks scary...”, Yoo Ah-in's unusual hairstyle (Video)

2020-08-06 17:55

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Sudden change of his hairstyle brought fans attention
Possibly a sign for his new drama?

This excerpt article is made for Wikitree's new Global Edition, which introduce the latest Korean news to our English-speaking subscribers worldwide. For those who are interested to see the original Korean content please read below.

"You aren't trying to scare us right? Ah-in?"

Yoo Ah-in Instagram same below
Yoo Ah-in Instagram same below

The actor, Yoo Ah-in posted new photos on his Instagram on Jul. 30, 2020.

On the posting he didn't put any words but list of photos.

In the photos, he is looking at the camera with no emotion, which brings a chill vibe. One thing very noticeable, his long hair.

Meanwhile, his fans are seem to like this new hairstyle. They said, "Change is beautiful", He can pull off long hair...", and "His eyes are so charismatic" to expressed their impression towards Yoo Ah-in.

Yoo Ah-in will be on a new drama called, 'Hell'. This new drama will be distributed though Netflix.

YouTube, MBCentertainment

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