A Must-Watch Among Middle-Aged Women—K-Drama Surges in Popularity with Peak Ratings

2025-03-19 15:02

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Breaking Its Own Records, This Drama’s Popularity Continues to Surge

Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life has taken both viewership ratings and online buzz by storm as it nears its final two episodes.

Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Channel ENA
Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Channel ENA

According to Good Data Corporation, Riding Life saw a 15.3% increase in its buzz ranking for the second week of March, climbing to No.5 in TV-OTT drama popularity. Meanwhile, lead actress Jeon Hye-jin ranked No.7 in drama cast buzz, solidifying the show's steadily growing fanbase.

A Realistic Look at Competitive Parenting & Motherhood

The family drama follows Lee Jeong-eun (Jeon Hye-jin), a working mom in the beauty industry, who enlists the help of her single-mother-turned-grandmother Yoon Ji-ah (Jo Min-soo) to handle her daughter’s demanding academic schedule.

The latest episode captured the relentless pressure of Korea’s education system, particularly in the elite "A Class" admissions race. Jeong-eun’s daughter, Seo-yoon, must score in the top 1% on a gifted intelligence test to secure a spot in the coveted A Class.

Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Channel ENA
Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Channel ENA

Despite her exhaustion from relentless studying, Seo-yoon tries to reassure her mother, saying, “I’m okay.” Ji-ah, disapproving of Jeong-eun’s obsessive approach, confides in a friend: “It’s not even the college entrance exam, and they’re making kids retake intelligence tests?”

Tragedy strikes on test day—Seo-yoon collapses from stress-induced vomiting and fever, landing in the emergency room. Even as she rushes to her daughter’s side, Jeong-eun is torn—she desperately calls the gifted academy to reschedule the test. Watching this unfold, Ji-ah storms out in anger, while Seo-yoon, seeing her mother’s reaction, tearfully apologizes: “I’m sorry for being sick.”

Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Channel ENA
Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Channel ENA

A Battle of Mothers—Power Struggles & Long-Buried Secrets

Determined to get her daughter into A Class, Jeong-eun humbles herself before Ho-kyung, the elite “supermom” who had previously blocked Seo-yoon’s admission. Unexpectedly, Ho-kyung accepts her plea—but on one condition: “We’ll let the A-Class mothers vote on it.”

Just as Jeong-eun wonders what changed Ho-kyung’s mind, she realizes Ji-ah had secretly intervened. The episode then reveals Ji-ah and Ho-kyung’s shared past: As teenagers, Ho-kyung had a compulsive stealing problem, and Ji-ah took the fall for her, leading to Ji-ah’s expulsion.

Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Studio Genie, ENA

Years later, they reunited at the elite English academy, where Ho-kyung, now a polished society mom, pretended not to recognize Ji-ah. Despite their complicated history, Ji-ah swallowed her pride and asked Ho-kyung for help, promising to keep her past a secret.

Meanwhile, the drama ends on a dramatic cliffhanger as rumors spread that Ho-kyung’s son, Min-ho, stole Jason’s pencil, throwing the entire English academy into chaos. “How are you raising your child? Are you accusing mine?” Ho-kyung yells at Jason’s mom, before Ji-ah steps in—raising the stakes for the final episodes.

Viewers React: “This Isn’t a Drama—It’s a Documentary on Korean Education”

“I can’t believe there are only two episodes left. This drama is just getting started!”

“The realism is insane—this could be an actual documentary on Korea’s education craze.”

“Watching this makes my blood pressure rise. I need Jeong-eun to fight back in the finale!”

Genie TV's Riding Life Still Cut. / Courtesy of Genie TV ENA
Genie TV's Riding Life Still Cut. / Courtesy of Genie TV ENA

With only two episodes remaining, fans are eagerly awaiting to see: Will Jeong-eun and Ji-ah finally put Seo-yoon’s well-being above academic pressure? What will be the fallout of the elite moms’ latest scandal?

As Riding Life breaks its own ratings records, all eyes are on the upcoming finale to see how this emotional, high-stakes family drama will conclude.

Genie TV’s original drama Riding Life. / Courtesy of Studio Genie, ENA
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