Late Kim Sae-ron’s Family Presents ‘Five Requests’ to Kim Soo-hyun

2025-03-17 09:03

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A photo of a man washing dishes at Kim Sae-ron's home was released through Garo Sero Institute.

Photo Allegedly Showing Kim Soo-hyun at Late Kim Sae-ron’s Home Sparks Controversy.

The late Kim Sae-ron (left) and Kim Soo-hyun. / News1
The late Kim Sae-ron (left) and Kim Soo-hyun. / News1

A photo purportedly showing actor Kim Soo-hyun washing dishes at the home of his late ex-girlfriend, Kim Sae-ron, has been released. The YouTube channel Garo Sero Institute (Gaseyeon), which has been unveiling materials provided by Kim’s bereaved family, aired the image during a live broadcast on the 15th.

"We only release materials with the family's consent," Gaseyeon stated, before revealing an image of a man, believed to be Kim Soo-hyun, standing in the kitchen of Kim Sae-ron’s home. The channel went into detail about his attire, saying, "This is the type of nightwear worn at Kim Sae-ron's house—a long T-shirt, commonly worn as pajamas. He’s not wearing pants; it's not a dress, but a long T-shirt that can be worn as sleepwear."

More Photos & Explosive Allegations

Gaseyeon claimed they have additional photos but emphasized that their intent is not to stir controversy. "The bereaved family had no choice but to release this due to Kim Soo-hyun's brazen attitude and Lee Jin-ho's persistent denials," they said.

They criticized Kim Soo-hyun for his inconsistent statements and lack of responsibility toward Kim Sae-ron's family. "At first, Kim Soo-hyun denied ever dating Kim Sae-ron, even threatening legal action. But now, he suddenly admits they were together after she became an adult. Every time he speaks, the story changes," they claimed.

Adding to the evidence, netizens compared the released photo to a past video of Kim Sae-ron cooking in her kitchen in 2020 when she was 21. They pointed out that the kitchen's color, furniture, and object placements were identical, strengthening suspicions that the photo was indeed taken in her home.

Text Message & Family’s Struggles

Gaseyeon also disclosed an alleged text message from Kim Sae-ron, sent on March 19 last year from her cousin’s phone, saying, "Oppa, it’s Sae-ron. Please save me." They claimed Kim Soo-hyun ignored the message and instead shared screenshots with journalists and an unnamed YouTuber.

Meanwhile, Kim Sae-ron’s family is reportedly struggling with both physical and emotional distress. "They were so overwhelmed by Kim Soo-hyun and [the YouTuber's] sudden statements that one family member had to be hospitalized," Gaseyeon said. "Today was the day they were moving out of Kim Sae-ron’s home, sorting through her belongings in tears—yet Kim Soo-hyun decided to release another statement."

They further alleged that Kim Soo-hyun’s agency, Gold Medalist, has been persistently contacting Kim Sae-ron’s father. "If they keep pushing, we won’t let it slide," they warned.

A part of the photos released by Kim Sae-ron's family through the YouTube channel Garo Sero Institute (Gaseyeon). / Garo Sero Institute (Gaseyeon)
A part of the photos released by Kim Sae-ron's family through the YouTube channel Garo Sero Institute (Gaseyeon). / Garo Sero Institute (Gaseyeon)

Family’s Demands & Gaseyeon's Next Steps

The bereaved family outlined their requests for Kim Soo-hyun and his agency:

1️⃣ Admit to dating Kim Sae-ron when she was a minor and issue a public apology.

2️⃣ Apologize for Gold Medalist's false claims over the past three years denying the relationship.

3️⃣ Acknowledge Kim Sae-ron's contributions as a founding member of the company.

4️⃣ Address the alleged ₩700 million debt repayment issue.

5️⃣ Issue an official apology—this is all the family asks for.

Gaseyeon also hinted at legal action against the YouTuber next week, stating that exposing Kim Soo-hyun’s photo was necessary to counter misinformation.

Regarding Kim Soo-hyun’s request to meet the family, they dismissed it as a "tactic to negotiate behind closed doors" and insisted that a public apology must come first.

Kim Soo-hyun. / News1
Kim Soo-hyun. / News1

Kim Soo-hyun’s Agency Responds

On the same day, Gold Medalist issued an official statement:

"There is no justification for the indiscriminate release of Kim Soo-hyun’s private photos with the deceased. We urge an immediate halt to the spread of personal information."

They added, "It is inappropriate to debate such matters publicly. Our executives would like to meet with Kim Sae-ron’s mother directly to provide a full explanation. Please contact our office at any time."

As tensions continue to rise, the controversy surrounding Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Sae-ron’s past relationship shows no signs of settling.

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